Five tips to saving cost on your towel rental
Five tips to saving cost on your towel rental
Rental towel usage
If you are using bar/bath towels like in the food & hospitality industry or using shop towels for automotive industry purposes. Chances are you have seen your towel cost spiral out of control. The Uniform Broker Stephen here, welcome back, today I am sharing 5 tips to saving on your towel cost.
So, how many of you have experienced your towel cost going through the roof? Leave me a comment.
Alright let’s get to these 5 tips
1. Training-training new team partners are crucial in cutting towel usage. An expectation must be set so everyone is on the same page.
2. Set a daily per person issue, when issued a quantity it is amazing how conservative and resourceful, we become.
3. Two folds for four uses, this ties in with training and daily issued amount. If you want to learn more about this drop me a comment or contact us through our website on the contact us page.
4. Grill pads instead of bar towels, if you have grill stations get some grill pads, you can rent them if your provider offers them. You are likely to be using 4x as many bar towels because the grill is being cleaned with a below-par product.
5. Get soil towel counts- knowing how many towels you are paying for vs. how many are in use can help adjust to a proper inventory, analyze and adapt.
Learn more by contacting me by visiting and contact us today for a full Account Assessment where we bring guaranteed money-saving processes to your business.
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