The Hardest Thing About Being A Uniform Guy

The Hardest Thing About Being A Uniform Guy

Stephen Driscoll
Founder & CEO 
The Uniform Broker

Perhaps the number one question I am asked most is "What is the hardest part of being a Uniform Guy?" It is such a great question and one that I enjoy sitting down and sharing the answer too.

So, over the past nineteen years, I have seen so many people come and go in this industry. Truly it is not for those who believe that it is a fly in and I will have it figured out in a couple of weeks kinda jobs. No, this career takes something so much more. Something that I have great respect for, something that all the Men & Women who work in this industry whether they are in the office, in production, the folks making the deliveries, the sales reps on the streets every day, all of them have it. But it is hard to find in any other industry.

So, what is the hardest part about being a Uniform Guy? "Patience", pretty profound would you not agree? Unlike retail or brick & mortar style businesses, the uniform business takes its toll on mind, body, and soul. You see those of us who have made a career in this industry wake every day with a motivation that burns inside of us. Especially those of us who were brought up in the business early on.

The Uniform business is the only Industry I know of that you do not have patrons or prospects walk in off the street and purchase the goods and services you are selling. You see, unlike most businesses where a consumer has the idea or the notion they are out shopping to make a purchase. The Uniform business is just the total opposite. You have to be a hunter, a scout, or a coach. Sells do not come easy in this business. Customer service expectations are all to often set through the roof leaving a customer unsatisfied and putting a black eye on the industry for all those who truly know how to manage the business.

So having patience is the key to being successful. Remaining vigilant and not letting the business control your thoughts, words, and actions are difficult. Mainly because those of us who are TRUE Uniform Guys are wired to bring solutions to our customer's problems. Having to learn when to bring those solutions at the right time is the hard part.


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