Uniform Rental Damaged and Lost How It Really Works Part II Damage

Lost & Damaged charges, what determines them and how are these charges decided? 
Uniform Rental Damaged and Lost 

I want you to imagine a moment you received your invoice and when you looked it over you noticed an additional charge for a damaged uniform. Now think about the conversation you had with either the service representative or the uniform providers local office.
Did you get the response you were looking for? Chances are you did not.

A “damage” charge or fee as defined by the uniform rental industry is as follows - when a rental item has been removed from rental services due to premature wear & tear, or the intentional destruction of a rented item.

Today we are tackling pre-mature wear and tear. What is it, how is it determined, and what you should do. I am going to go over this in that order.

1. What is it? The simple definition is when a uniform item or a facility service item (i.e. mats, mops, towels) are forced to be removed from a rental service and replaced.
The cause could be as we talked about in part I, intentional destruction or accidental destruction (such as getting hung up in a barbed wire fence and ripping the uniform or dropping paint on a mat).

2. How is it determined? In most cases, accidental destruction is communicated to the service representative and they order a replacement. However, the age of the garment plays into this and that is a conversation you should have with your service representative. You are being billed damage charges on a uniform that may have met or exceeded its life expectancy and you should not be billed for that.

3. What you should do? If you are charged for damages, you must request to see the item that is being billed for. Seems only fair right? Would you expect your customer to blindly pay a fee without seeing the culprit? So before cutting the check make certain you are seeing the rental item and have the service represented explain “why that charge is legitimate” if you agree you approve it and move on.

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