Uniform Rental Damaged and Lost How It Really Works Part I

Lost & Damaged charges, what determines them and how are these charges decided? 
Uniform Rental Damaged and Lost

Imagine this for a moment, you are looking over your invoice and “BAM” there it is! A twenty-five-dollar charge on top of your normal weekly rental invoice.
Yep, you just got damaged! So, what is a “damage” charge or fee or whatever the uniform company wants to call it?

The uniform rental industry definition is as follows - when a rental item has been removed from rental services due to premature wear & tear, or the intentional destruction of a rented item.

Let’s first address the intentional destruction. In my experience, and I cannot count how many times a uniform rental wearer has purposely ripped a pair of pants from ankle to ankle, why? Because the crotch seam blew out and just needed to be sewed. That is intentional destruction or the wearer whose pant cuff does not fit over their boots the way they like it, so they cut the inside seam to give it some flare. That is intentional destruction.
Maybe a wearer uses smokeless tobaccos and over time creates that snuff ring in the back pocket. This too is intentional destruction.

Another example is the uniform wearer who likes their uniform shirt sleeveless and decides to do some at home alterations. Yeah, these and a laundry list of other things happen all the time and rightfully should be billed damage charges.

Why? These are rented items not owned by the wearer or you as the customer. These products are owned by the uniform rental provider.

This is only a short list, by employing my services I can help identify and educate you on this area and start saving you money. There are so many ways that uniform companies use loss and damage as a means to increase their revenues and still sell you on the cost of RENTAL UNIFORMS. Truth is, Lost and Damaged fees are ways to make up those lost profits by quoting cheap uniform rental pricing. I will help protect your business from these costly mistakes and we together will create accurate, functional, and economic programs that enhance your business and not uniform companies bottom line. 

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