The Return on Investment Uniform Rental vs. Purchasing Uniforms
The Return on Investment
Uniform Rental vs. Purchasing Uniforms
What are you looking to gain and what is the value that a uniform brings to your business? These two questions have to be answered before weighing out the decision on should you rent or should you buy employee uniforms. Let’s take a look at each one individually and compare rent vs. purchase.
Uniform Rental
Gain – If properly managed you will receive a uniformed look and appearance among all wearers. This is a great benefit and brings value to your business. Especially to those in the customer service industry or for those businesses that have face to face interaction with their customers/prospective customers in the field.
Examples being
Garage Door Companies
Government Entities
Just to name a few.
The return on investment is not made in monetary value just yet but made in the value of trust and the professionalism exhibited by those who are representing your business or brand. The monetary value for your return on investment will come in increased sales from the creation of trust and professionalism.
But is rental right for you? That is a great question and can be answered with the proper guidance of an industry expert.
See my blog post - Should I Rent, Lease, or Buy My Employee Uniforms
Never entrust your business image or business workplace apparel to the guidance of the inexperienced. Likewise, never entrust your business to the hands of a sales representative whose sole responsibility is to inflate your weekly rental value so they make a larger commission.
Contact TheUniform Broker to help guide you to accurate, functional, and an economic program. Our Account Assessment options combined with our Consulting service will ease this burden and help you avoid costly mistakes.
Contact TheUniform Broker to help guide you to accurate, functional, and an economic program. Our Account Assessment options combined with our Consulting service will ease this burden and help you avoid costly mistakes.
Uniform Rental
Value - Rental serves as a hands-free option for ensuring the Gain of the service. At least that is what it is designed for and with the right service, the right service personnel, and the right company it most certainly can be.
However, it must be correct from the beginning. Meaning color, style, sizes, pricing, delivery sequence, location, the persons of responsibility must be established from the start to truly maximize the value of a program and receive the most Gain and Value.
This is just a short list of what it takes to bring a return on investment for you as the business owner. So, how does purchasing Uniforms stack up against rental you ask? Let’s dive into it, shall we?
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Get your FREE copy of my eBook "Measuring for Success" click here
Uniform Purchase
Gain – Again, with a properly managed program you can have a uniformed look among all wearers. Although with purchase, 100% of the wearers will be responsible for the laundering of their work apparel and this may create discrepancies in the quality of appearance (pressed or ironed finish), there are however options available in purchase workplace apparel fabrics that are dry and wear.
Rental likewise has its drawbacks in this area as well. Statistically, around 33% of those wearing a uniform from a rental uniform program will NOT turn their soiled garments in for laundry. Therefore, 3 out of 10 wearers will wash their workplace apparel at home or at a commercial laundry. This is known as “underwash” and uniform companies bank on this to increase profitability for themselves.
Unlike a rental program, the largest gain is the garments are yours from the beginning. No worries or concerns when an employee or wearer terminates their employment voluntarly or involuntarly. With rental if the garments are not returned you then get hit with a HUGE lost product bill. Secondly, when purchasing workplace apparel you are only required to purchase the number of sets you deem necessary to accomplish the work goal. It may be three sets, five sets, or six, you decide.
Whereas with a rental program the number of days per week your staff will work will determine the inventory issued. That could be eleven sets for a five day work week or thirteen sets for a six-day work week, or possibly fifteen sets for a seven day work week. Now, imagine if someone quit or termed out and you had to pay for all those uniforms.
The return on your investment is made up in monetary value from the lessened amount of sets needed to perform the job duties versus the rental amount for inflated inventory. However, there are applications and jobs that require rental uniforms and for those, I highly encourage. Just be certain to seek expert guidance to assist you in making these determinations, not all staff, employees, or otherwise will require a rental uniform program and a purchase program may make the best sense for those employees.
Value – The value in purchase can be found in two areas. First, the availability of higher grade and quality products. Most employees have higher productivity when they feel good about their appearance. Having the right workplace apparel can do that. The right brand and the right look will go a long way in employee or staff morale. Because purchase is not limited to a selection of garments that are considered industrial grade, you will have a larger selection of choices. We can help with that too just check out our store.
Second, NO CONTRACTS. That’s right no lop-sided contracts to bind you or your business.
There you have it, The Uniform Broker’s take on “The Return on Investment Rental Uniforms vs. Purchase Uniforms.”
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3 Benefits
Should I Rent, Lease, or Buy
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