How much does uniform rental cost
How much does uniform rental cost?
Am I overpaying for uniform rental?
You are paying to much! Every week you watch the uniform truck drive off with more than just dirty clothes and mats, but your additional profit too! So, what are we going to do about it? What are we going to do about keeping more profit as opposed to watching it drive away?
Are you interested in saving 20% or more?
Let’s walk through this. I am going to show you two examples! Because this is real money we are talking about. First, the small business owner! Your account for uniforms, mats, and towels cost you $75.00 a week. The agreement you have entered is a standard 60 months or 260 weeks. Your one-year rental only spend is $3,900.00 x 18% average for lost or damaged product adding another $702.00 bringing your total to $4,602.00 plus another $624.00 for new employee set up and replacements or exchange of size. Altogether a total of $5,226.00 that is 34% more than your rental only number.
If only saving half of that at 17% you would have been $663.00 more profitable x 5 years = $3,315.00 back in your pocket.
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If only saving half of that at 17% you would have been $663.00 more profitable x 5 years = $3,315.00 back in your pocket.
Get your FREE copy of my eBook "Measuring for Success" click here
Large business, like small business just a larger dollar value. Your account in this example is $750.00 a week for all your uniforms, mats, towels, and all the other facility services (mops, bathroom supplies, chemicals), just like the small business account you have 5-year standard contract/ 260 weeks. A one-year rental only a total of $39,000.00 x 18% for lost or damaged product, because of employee turnover. Giving a new total of $46,020.00 plus another $6,240.00 for new employee setup and size exchanges or replacements. For a grand total of $52,260.00, think for a moment what a 10% savings could do! If you are the Manager that could be the difference of making your bonus year after year.
A $26,130.00 savings potentially over the term of the contract.
A $26,130.00 savings potentially over the term of the contract.
Do not tackle this alone, with over 18 years of industry experience I know how to save you money on your uniform and facility service rental cost. With my processes, we show you how to put 20% or more in savings back to your bottom-line.
Our account assessment services are available nationwide by video conferencing. Starting at only $529.00 you cannot afford to pass on this, learn more on how to stop paying too much by contacting The Uniform Broker today!
Check out my video on this
Check out my video on this
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